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The Tidy Tote Trick: Your Secret Weapon Against Clutter


Updated: Oct 26, 2024

(and Wandering Aimlessly)

We’ve all been there. You’re on a mission to clean a room, but suddenly you’re halfway across the house, delivering a rogue sock to its rightful home, and wondering how you got there. Next thing you know, you’ve been distracted by something in the kitchen, the laundry is halfway sorted, and that room you started with? Yeah, still a mess. Enter: The Tidy Tote—the hero you didn’t know your home needed.

Available Now at Hunson Homes

How It Works:

It’s easy. Grab a Tidy Tote but any tote, basket or bag (not garbage bag... unless you've reached your clutter limit) will do, just make sure it’s ready for action. As you clean, toss in anything that doesn’t belong in that room. Your kid's toy that's mysteriously found its way into the kitchen? Into the Tidy Tote. That coffee mug or wine glass that migrated to the bathroom (don’t ask)? Tidy Tote. That pair of shoes under the couch you were positive went missing three months ago? Yup, Tidy Tote.

You’re now free to stay put and focus on cleaning that one room, rather than playing an impromptu round of hide-and-seek with every stray object in your house. And if you're like me you'll end up in another room decluttering that one and not staying the course with your original mission.

Why It’s Brilliant:

  1. Keeps You from Wandering: Sure, running around the house putting stuff away sounds productive, but we both know it’s just an excuse to get sidetracked. Stay focused, finish the room, and then take your Tidy Tote tour like a boss. One trip—no detours.

  2. Prevents the Pile-Up: You know that "I’ll just leave this here for now" pile? Yeah, that pile has got me in hot water one too many times with my family members. The Tidy Tote makes sure that junk doesn’t accumulate like dust bunnies under the bed. Anything that doesn’t belong in that room gets chucked in the Tidy Tote. Think of it as a temporary holding cell for clutter offenders. Justice is swift and tidy... heavy on the tidy.

  3. No More Lost and Found: Too many random items floating around with no permanent home? Use the Tidy Tote to gather up those misfits and decide later where they belong. (Or toss them in the junk drawer where all good intentions go to die—your call.)

Pro Tip:

Once the room is sparkling and you’ve filled your Tidy Tote with misfit toys, dishes, hockey pucks (no just me?) and stray socks, take it with you on a quick “drop-off” tour of your home. Look at you go! You’ve not only cleaned a room but also conquered clutter across the house—all thanks to one little tote.

So, next time you're overwhelmed by a mess, grab your Tidy Tote and give it a try. If nothing else, it makes you look exceptionally organized while buying you time to figure out where all that stuff actually belongs or do what I do and ask members of the family to take a peak in the tote and put their things away.

Let me know how the decluttering goes? - Sara

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